37th EPS

This is the beginning of a new era in publishing the proceedings.

Majority of participants from the last symposium and members of the European Peptide Society General Assembly have asked for the availability of materials presented at the symposium in pdf form. (Printed book of proceedings of the last European Peptide Symposium was purchased 9 times and the pdf form of the book was downloaded over 700 times.) Therefore, this year the "Proceedings book" is published as a compilation of materials presented at the meeting. All "articles" are searcheable and have DOI number for referencing. The books of older symposia available for all EPS members can be found at https://www.eurpepsoc.com/category/archive/proceeding/. You are invited to read about the motivation for this change and explanations of the process in detail here.

Proceedings of 37th EPS and 14th IPS page is available here

All DOI links are fully functional.

The final full proceedings pdf is available now. However, the full pdf file is rather large (427 MB), so we recommend to use the web version, which in addition contains full res files.

Or just download

Proceedings table of content page

This will open the chosen files much faster.

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The European Peptide Society